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Bob Simulator is a 3D Sandbox Game

composited with RPG/Adventure Elements.


Players may create worlds and characters,

and have absolute freedom.


Go on quests, gather treasures, and fight monsters.


Play with your friends, collect loot, and go on adventures together.


In Sandbox Mode you can create your own questlines

and custom-made adventures.

Do what you want to do. No arbitrary limits.

Adventure Mode

In Adventure Mode, you can

go on grand adventures where you  go on quests,

fight monsters, defeat beasts, and tame the world around you.


Or, discover new randomly generated temples and mines.

(planned feature)


There are many features planned for this, such as

structures, pets, mounts, spells, wizardry,

witchcraft, potions, pirates, and much more.


Explore different islands on a boat, explore an infinite world

with lots of goodies in all directions.

Sandbox Mode

Bob Simulator has a Sandbox Mode as well.

In it, players have absolute freedom.


You can build and destroy in infinite worlds,

and customize the world to your liking.


Build worlds, create and modify questlines,

and go on custom-made adventures!

Create custom NPCs to wander your worlds and give custom quests.


All of this, with a Multiplayer-Supported Full Modding API.

Multiplayer and Community

Mods, Adventure, and Game Features

are all available to play with friends.

Freely play multiplayer without having to sign in,

without requiring dealing with Accounts.


Host your own private servers and play, and do what you want.



This page is a work in progress. (so is the game)

Bob Sim About
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